Health is wellness of the body, the mind, and the soul; their alignment with one another is the art of living well.
Wisdom is understanding of the self, others, and the nature of things; it is essential to living as if everything is a miracle.

Nothing Is Lost
Misfortune is part and parcel of life. Life will not be wholesome without misfortunes and tragedies, which enable one to appreciate more what life has to offer. Always count your blessings, and not your crosses.
There was a Chinese story . . . A man lost his only horse, which ran away one day. His friends comforted him. But he was not upset; instead, he said: “That’s not a misfortune.” A few days later, his horse came back with a stallion. This time, his friends congratulated him on his good fortune. But he said: “What’s so good about that?” Later on, his son rode on the stallion and accidentally broke his leg when he fell from the horse. Once again, his friends comforted him. But he said: “Breaking his leg may not be a misfortune.” Indeed, soon after that, a war broke out, and all the young men were drafted into the army, except the man’s son with a broken leg. All of them were later annihilated in a fierce battle. The moral of the story: A misfortune may turn itself into a good fortune, and nothing is lost.
There is a Chinese saying: “A man’s destiny cannot be summarized and sealed until nails are put on his coffin’s top.”
The bottom line: don’t assume or presume the future, and nothing is set in stone.
The projected future is unreal because it does not exist. It is no more than an assumption. It is real only when it happens. The wisdom is to learn how to cope with the present moment, and not with the future -- not before, and not after.
Waiting is a state of mind: you want the future, but not the present; you don’t want what you’ve already got, but you want what you still haven’t got. Acknowledge your present reality-where you are, who you are, what you are doing with your life; be grateful for what you have got, as well as be grateful for what is.
Don’t predict your good fortune or misfortune.
Give up waiting as a state of mind. Snap out of it, and come into the present moment. Part of the ordinary unconsciousness is to deny the present moment and to look at the past or the future. Remember, thinking only prolongs the perpetual discontent; the more you live in the present moment, the more you realize that you have been trapped in the past or the future by false and unhappy self-identifications with the past and the future.
When you stop the waiting game, you stop your anxiety, and you keep the worrying about the future at bay.
TIPS: Always count on God, and not your own assumption or predictions. Count your blessings, and not your crosses.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau